Subdomain Finder

Find all subdomains in one click for free and get comprehensive data on their traffic and keywords
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Get accurate data on traffic and keywords of any subdomain

Get accurate data on traffic and keywords of any subdomain
  • Get accurate data on traffic and keywords of any subdomain
  • Get accurate data on traffic and keywords of any subdomain
  • Get accurate data on traffic and keywords of any subdomain
  • Get accurate data on traffic and keywords of any subdomain

What you will see in the report

Traffic share
Total traffic
Total traffic cost
Keywords total
Traffic share
The tool shows the percentage of traffic a subdomain brings to the analyzed website. This metric demonstrates the traffic share for the selected location and period.
Total traffic
The tool shows the subdomain's organic traffic volume. SE Ranking calculates the expected click-through rate, search volume, and current keyword rankings to estimate this value.
Total traffic cost
This metric indicates the estimated cost of organic traffic a subdomain gets by targeting all discovered keywords. The tool displays cost in the equivalent of Google Ads prices.
Keywords total
The total number of keywords a subdomain ranks for in its organic search. Click through to get more data on each keyword: traffic, difficulty, search volume, competition and SERP features.
Analyze subdomain performance across any location. Select any of the 190 countries to access country-level data.
Get comprehensive research reports for the selected month. Access historical data to get detailed information for any past month going back to February 2020.

Why you need a subdomain finder

Keeping tabs on subdomains is essential for any site optimization. Search engines consider each subdomain a different site, so you need to optimize each separately to boost overall traffic and improve website performance. A subdomain scanner also helps find duplicate content, which can damage rankings of both the main domain and subdomain. It also helps identify poor-quality backlinks to subdomains that can diminish your SEO efforts.

How our subdomain finder works

Subdomain Finder scans the DNS records and supplementary databases to analyze the domain’s hierarchy. Our subdomain scanner checks:

  • DNS records (NS, MX, TXT, AXFR)
  • DNS enumeration
  • SSL certificates
  • HTML links
  • Search engine results
  • Reverse DNS for target IP addresses

How to use our subdomain scanner

Subdomain Finder is straightforward to use. To start, enter the target domain address and click Scan. The tool will take you to Subdomains section of SE Ranking’s Competitive Research, which reveals comprehensive, up-to-date data on every found subdomain—access data on traffic volume, share, and cost, along with the number of keywords. Filter subdomains by any metrics and access the detailed keywords report by clicking on the number of keywords. Finally, click the Export button to download the report in the .csv or .xsl format.

How reliable is our subdomain checker

Subdomain scanner ensures the highest accuracy of results. It aggregates relevant information from search engines and supplementary databases and sends additional requests to domain service providers to get the most complete and up-to-date results. The scanner is secure; we don’t save or publish any information about checked domains and their subdomains.