Audit API
Audit restart
Request format
POST /audit/{site_id}/recheck
If successful, the server returns HTTP 200.
Audit status
Request format
GET /audit/{site_id}
If successful, the server returns the status of the audit.
“status”: “finished”,
“start_time”: “2018-06-15 12:41:13”,
“audit_time”: “2018-09-11 16:13:41”,
“total_pages”: 10,
“total_warnings”: 71,
“total_errors”: 21,
“total_passed”: 810
Response parameters
Name | Description |
status | cancelled; expired – the last audit was conducted more than 3 months ago; queued; processing – the audit is in progress; finished – the audit has been completed. |
start_time | Audit start time |
audit_time | Audit end time |
total_pages | Total number of scanned pages |
total_warnings | Total number of warnings |
total_errors | Total number of critical errors |
total_passed | Total number of passed checks |
Audit report
Data is available only if the audit has been completed (“is_finished”: true)
Request format
GET /audit/{site_id}/report
- “is_finished”: true – available data for the audit report.
- “is_finished”: false – if the audit is not completed.
“is_finished”: false
“is_finished”: true,
“domain_props”: {
“archiveOrg”: “2003-02-26”,
“backlinks”: “4”,
“sections”: [
“uid”: “tech_audit”,
“name”: “Section name”,
“props”: [
“code”: “_images_500_count”,
“status”: “passed”,
“name”: “Image with 5xx status”,
“value”: “0”
“score_percent”: 79,
“total_pages”: 10,
“total_warnings”: 71,
“total_errors”: 21,
“total_passed”: 810,
“screenshot”: “http://host/screenshots/147683.jpg”,
“audit_time”: “2018-09-11 16:13:41”
Response parameters
Name | Description |
is_finished | Audit status |
domain_props | Domain information. Possible parameters |
score_percent | Rating in % |
screenshot | Screenshot link |
audit_time | Audit end time |
total_pages | Total number of scanned pages |
total_notices | Total number of notices |
total_warnings | Total number of warnings |
total_errors | Total number of critical errors |
total_passed | Total number of passed checks |
sections | Audit sections |
uid | Section ID |
id | Section ID |
name | Section name |
pops | List of section checks |
Domain information. Possible parameters
Name | Description |
avgLoadSpeed | Average page load speed |
archiveOrg | Age in |
expdate | Domain expiration date |
IpCountry | Country |
ip | IP |
yandex_x | Yandex X |
backlinks | Backlinks |
index_google | Pages in Google |
index_bing | Pages in Bing |
index_yahoo | Pages in Yahoo |
index_yandex | Pages in Yandex |
List of section checks
Name | Description |
status | warning | error | passed |
code | Check code (only in the following sections: uid = props_*) |
value | Check value (only in the following sections: uid = props_*) |
List of pages
The method allows to get a list of pages for the specified check.
Request format
GET /audit/{site_id}/links?code={code}&limit=100&offset=10
Request parameters
Name | Required | Description |
code | Yes | Refer to GET /audit/{site_id}/report |
limit | No | Total number of links. Max number of links – 100 |
offset | No | Offset value |
If successful, the server returns the list of pages for the specified check.
“total_urls”: 10,
“urls”: [
“id”: 1248462,
“url”: “”
“urls_type”: “urls_and_sources”
“total_urls”: 10,
“urls”: [
“urls_type”: “simple_urls_array”
“total_urls”: 2,
“urls”: {
“Online SEO Tools by SE Ranking”: {
“found_on_urls”: [
“url”: “”,
“id”: “1248466”,
“cnt”: “10”
“urls_type”: “duplicate_props”
Response parameters
Name | Description |
total_urls | Total number of URLs |
urls | List of URLs. The format of the list depends on the type of check |
urls_type | List type simple_urls_array duplicate_props urls_and_single_source urls_and_sources |
HTTP code | Error message |
400 | Invalid code |
Audit history
Request format
GET /audit/{site_id}/history?date=2018-06-01
Request parameters
Name | Required | Description |
date | Yes | Audit date |
“audit_time”: “2018-06-01 13:25:29”,
“domain_data”: {
“age”: “1”,
“archiveOrg”: “ew”,
“AvoidInterstitials”: “1”,
“AvoidInterstitials_mobile”: “1”,
“AvoidLandingPageRedirects”: “1”,
“AvoidLandingPageRedirects_mobile”: “1”,
“AvoidPlugins”: “1”,
“AvoidPlugins_mobile”: “1”,
“commonHomepageVars”: “0”,
“ConfigureViewport”: “1”,
“ConfigureViewport_mobile”: “1”,
“Correct404Pages”: “1”,
“EnableGzipCompression”: “0”,
“EnableGzipCompression_mobile”: “1”,
“expdate”: “2018-10-10”,
“HasFavicon”: “1”,
“hasFlash”: “0”,
“hasHttps”: “0”,
“hasRobotsTxt”: “1”,
“HasSeofriendlyUrls”: “1”,
“hasXmlSitemap”: “1”,
“index_yahoo”: “1”,
“index_yandex”: “9”,
“ip”: “”,
“IpCountry”: “Germany”,
“IsSafeBrowsing”: “1”,
“LeverageBrowserCaching”: “0”,
“LeverageBrowserCaching_mobile”: “0”,
“MainResourceServerResponseTime”: “1”,
“MainResourceServerResponseTime_mobile”: “1”,
“MinifyCss”: “1”,
“MinifyCss_mobile”: “1”,
“MinifyHTML”: “0”,
“MinifyHTML_mobile”: “1”,
“MinifyJavaScript”: “0”,
“MinifyJavaScript_mobile”: “1”,
“MinimizeRenderBlockingResources”: “0”,
“MinimizeRenderBlockingResources_mobile”: “0”,
“OnYandexCatalog”: “0”,
“OptimizeImages”: “0”,
“OptimizeImages_mobile”: “0”,
“PrioritizeVisibleContent”: “1”,
“PrioritizeVisibleContent_mobile”: “1”,
“SizeContentToViewport”: “1”,
“SizeContentToViewport_mobile”: “1”,
“SizeTapTargetsAppropriately”: “1”,
“SizeTapTargetsAppropriately_mobile”: “1”,
“UseLegibleFontSizes”: “1”,
“UseLegibleFontSizes_mobile”: “1”,
“WwwRedir”: “0”,
“avgLoadSpeed”: “117.4000”
“settings”: {
“schedule_type”: “manual”,
“schedule_day”: 1,
“schedule_hour”: 1,
“schedule_wday”: 1,
“source_site”: 1,
“source_subdomain”: 0,
“source_sitemap”: “0”,
“source_file”: 0,
“check_robots”: “1”,
“ignore_params”: 0,
“custom_params”: “utm_source, utm_medium, cid, PHPSESSID”,
“user_agent”: 0,
“login”: “”,
“password”: “”,
“max_depth”: 10,
“max_req”: “5”,
“min_title_len”: 10,
“max_title_len”: 70,
“min_description_len”: 50,
“max_description_len”: 320,
“max_h1_len”: 60,
“max_h2_len”: 60,
“min_words”: “500”,
“max_links”: “10”,
“max_size”: “10”,
“max_redirects”: “3”,
“max_pages”: “10”
“pages_data”: {
“_2xx_pagesCount”: 10,
“_3xx_pagesCount”: 0,
“_4xx_pagesCount”: 0,
“_5xx_pagesCount”: 0,
“_too_big_pagesCount”: 10,
“_too_long_url_pagesCount”: 0,
“_blocked_by_robotstxt_pagesCount”: 0,
“_blocked_by_xrobots_pagesCount”: “0”,
“_blocked_by_nofollow_pagesCount”: 0,
“_meta_refresh_pagesCount”: 0,
“_rel_canonical_pagesCount”: 8,
“_no_rel_canonical_pagesCount”: 2,
“_duplicate_canonical_pagesCount”: 0,
“_duplicate_canonical_tag”: 0,
“_rel_alternate_pagesCount”: 10,
“_hreflang_pagesCount”: 10,
“_no_hreflang_pagesCount”: 0,
“_error_hreflang_pagesCount”: 0,
“_duplicate_title_pagesCount”: 0,
“_no_title_pagesCount”: 0,
“_long_title_pagesCount”: 0,
“_short_title_pagesCount”: 0,
“_no_descr_pagesCount”: 0,
“_duplicate_descr_pagesCount”: 0,
“_short_descr_pagesCount”: 0,
“_long_descr_pagesCount”: 0,
“_duplicate_content_pagesCount”: 0,
“_low_word_count_pagesCount”: 0,
“_h1_empty_pagesCount”: 0,
“_no_h1_pagesCount”: 0,
“_long_h1_pagesCount”: 1,
“_duplicate_h1_pagesCount”: 0,
“_h2_empty_pagesCount”: 0,
“_no_h2_pagesCount”: 0,
“_long_h2_pagesCount”: 2,
“_many_ext_links_pagesCount”: 10,
“_many_redirects_links”: 0,
“_int_links_no_title_count”: 0,
“_ext_links_no_title_count”: 40,
“_int_links_nofollow_count”: 343,
“_ext_links_nofollow_count”: 101,
“_no_intlinks_pagesCount”: 0,
“_ext_links_dofollow_count”: 68,
“_ext_links_400_count”: 0,
“_ext_links_500_count”: 0,
“_ext_links_all_count”: 169,
“_sitemap_links_all_count”: 44,
“_images_no_alt_count”: 18,
“_images_400_count”: “0”,
“_images_500_count”: “0”,
“_trailing_slashes”: 0,
“_frames_count”: 0,
“_flash_pages_count”: 0
“totals”: {
“total_pages”: 10,
“total_warnings”: 70,
“total_errors”: 22,
“total_passed”: 830
Response parameters
Name | Description |
audit_time | Audit end time |
domain_data | Parameters related to the domain and to the site as a whole |
settings | Settings (the parameter may be missing if the site settings were not set separately) |
pages_data | Page check parameters |
totals | Refer to GET /audit/{site_id} |