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Julian Hofmann
Experte für marketing & Agenturinhaber JSH Marketing

Wir gewinnen Dank SE Ranking relevante Erkenntnisse zu unseren SEO-Projekten und können so bessere Entscheidungen treffen. Mit der einfachen Benutzeroberfläche und den leicht verständlichen Funktionen sparen wir Zeit und Geld. Wir können auf einen Blick feststellen, wo unsere Kunden im Vergleich zur Konkurrenz stehen und was getan werden muss, um sie voranzubringen. Gerade die datengetriebene Umsetzung von SEO-Strategien wird dank SE Ranking unglaublich vereinfacht. SE Ranking ist ein fantastisches Hilfsmittel für Agenturen, um Projekte detailliert zu überwachen und Strategien weiterzuentwickeln.

Adriano Caruso
Inhaber seooffensive.de, die Local SEO Agentur

Als Inhaber einer SEO Agentur mit Schwerpunkt Local SEO verwenden wir seit 2020 SE Ranking als Tool. Das Tool nimmt uns die wichtigsten Analysen im Bereich Keywords, Backlinks sowie OnPage ab. Neben dem fantastischen Preis/Leistungsverhältnis ist der Support ein absoluter Pluspunkt. Das Tool selbst ist für auch optimal geeignet für Anfänger/Einsteiger. Ich empfehle das Tool als Experten von Herzen.

Thorsten Ruhle
Inhaber & Impulsgeber UrbanDivision, die Online Marketing Agentur

Seit über 22 Jahren liefere ich mit meiner Agentur UrbanDivision Lösungen für die Vermarktung von Unternehmen. Von Markenaufbau, Markenführung bis hin zur Vermarktung unterstützen wir inhabergeführte Firmen bei mehr Sichtbarkeit und Reichweite ihres Angebotes. Erfahrungen mit Kunden wie Deutsche Bahn, Klassik Radio, Marriott Hotels, citibank, AOL haben meine Erfahrung im Bereich Markenaufbau, Markenführung geschärft und gefestigt. Auf SE Ranking sind wir Anfang 2022 gestossen nachdem wir ein übersichtliches Management im Bereich Analyse, Monitoring und Berichterstellung für unsere Kunden gesucht haben. Seitdem ist das “All-in-One” SEO Tool bei uns fester Bestandteil unserer Werkzeugkiste.

Oliver Trautvetter
Inhaber & SEO-Texter, Mightyfy SEO Content

Auf der Suche nach einem SEO Tool für meine Arbeit als SEO Texter habe ich SE Ranking ausprobiert. Anfangs konnte ich mich nicht dafür entscheiden, weil mir ein passender Content Editor gefehlt hat. Jetzt habe ich seit einiger Zeit Kontakt zu Max und wir haben uns lange über verschiedene Punkte ausgetauscht. So bin ich erfreulicherweise dazu gekommen, den neu entwickelten Content Editor zu testen. Dieser Test hat mich dazu bewogen, dass ich nach dem Release meine Arbeit mit dem SE Ranking Content-Marketing fortführen werde. Dieser hat trotz Beta Status nur wenige Punkte, die mir nicht so gut gefallen, welche aber durch Max selbst und den Support sehr gut aufgenommen wurden. Alles in allem bin ich wirklich sehr zufrieden und freue mich auf die Arbeit mit SE Ranking.

Robert Leitinger
Webdesign-, Online-Marketing-Experte & Gründer Coderocker.at, robert-leitinger.com

SE Ranking ist das Tool, dass ich schon immer gesucht habe: Sehr umfangreich aber gleichzeitig extrem übersichtlich und gut bedienbar. Die Datenqualität ist – auch verglichen mit anderen SEO-Größen in diesem Segment – extrem gut! Unschlagbar finde ich auch das Modul zur Wettbewerbsanalyse, welches ich vor allem dafür nutze, um die Keywords und Rankings der Konkurrenz zu analysieren. Damit kann ich weiteres Wachstumspotential für meine eigenen Projekte sowie für Kundenprojekte finden.
Die Software wird aktiv und mit viel Elan weiterentwickelt und kontinuierlich verbessert – immer wieder werden neue Funktionen hinzugefügt.
Das sind die Gründe, warum ich SE Ranking auch auf meinem YouTube Kanal, in meinem Blog und direkt in meinen Consultings immer wieder empfehle!

Roman Spitko
Founder & Blogger @ onlinemarketing-mastermind.de

Als langjähriger Benutzer von SE Ranking kann ich die vielfältigen Funktionen dieses SEO-Tools nur loben. Besonders gut gefällt mir das Keyword Tool zur Keyword-Recherche. Es liefert mir für meine Blogartikel die Informationen über Keywords, die ich brauche, um meine Artikel dahin gehend auszurichten. Zudem ist es intuitiv, schnell und liefert präzise und vielfältige Ergebnisse, die maßgeblich zu meiner Content-Strategie beitragen. Im Bereich der Wettbewerbsanalyse hilft mir SE Ranking einen tiefgreifenden Einblick in die Strategien und SEO Daten meiner Konkurrenten zu bekommen, was es mir ermöglicht, meine eigene Strategie besser zu optimieren.

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Verfolge Keyword-Rankings mit 100 % Genauigkeit

The functionality provided with the entry level price point product combines practical rank tracking. Okay, we know rank of the KWs your're working on ALONE doesn't mean everything, SERanking integrates with GA. Consequently, in my dashboard I can see everything I need to be able to have sensible, commercial conversations with clients about the actual contribution to traffic overall, not just minor moves of target terms.
Raymond Dunthorne
Head of digital
The best I like in this tool is data readability. With one quick I can control the ranking progress for my clients. I can add keywords directly from the search console. In addition, I have all monitoring and rank tracking tools in one place. The most exciting is that I can share selected information with my clients.
Anastasiia Lisova
Media specialist
The keyword analysis and auditing tools are a great addition to the rank tracking. They provide invaluable insights to our on-going campaigns and competitors in an easy to use dashboard and reporting structure. In comparison to a lot of other performance tracking platforms I have used in the past, it is easily the most accurate and accessible when sharing results to key stakeholders.
Jacob Hall
Compared to the big names, this tool offers incredible value at a fraction of the price. I used to be a Moz user, but never got along well with the interface, nor the eye-watering monthly fee! Rank tracking is so much more intuitive than it was with Moz and I appreciate the way in which keywords can be grouped. This makes it much easier to see how certain keyword topics are performing across different search engines/devices and/or locations.
Ian Pegg
The most accurate automatic rank tracker that we've worked with. Keeps the cached copies of the positions for an extra check.
Marie Sharapa
Head of Communication at OWOX BI
The platform is so easy to manage and very powerful. The rank tracking is the best I could find! Scheduled reports, backlinks tools, and the best thing is that once you investigate a competitor - you can get such powerful data and easy to understand - you can start to work right away! The support team availability is lovely, pros and instant.

SE Ranking Nutzerbewertung

Basierend auf 1100+ Bewertungen von SE Ranking
Von Fachleuten für präzise und detaillierte SEO-Leistungsanalysen vertraut.
Einfach zu benutzen
SEO-Durchschnitt: 8.9
Qualität des Supports
SEO-Durchschnitt: 8.8
Einfache Einrichtung
SEO-Durchschnitt: 9.0

Behalte vollständige Kontrolle über den SEO-Zustand deiner Website

The website audit feature of the Seranking tool is out of the box and blazing fast. And not only the speed but the graphics, Animation, and design used in Website Auditor also looks very dashing. I just became a fan of Seranking Tool.
Rohit Dutt
Digital Marketing Specialist
Ease of use and professional-looking results. The website audit tool is incredibly fast and produces easy-to-understand reports. It allows website owners to do it themselves or provide their development team the audit report. We recently started using the keyword ranking functionality with our customers, and it works brilliantly well. Lastly, the support, incredibly responsive and helpful
Brian Derrick
SE Rankings backlink and website audit is unmatched. I have tried several services and so far, SE Ranking provides the most bang for the buck. The backlink audit helps determine how many junk links are there, so you can resolve issues and rank higher in search engines. The site audit tool is helpful because they tell you what needs fixing and how to fix it! The keyword finder tool is perhaps the most useful for me because I can see what words I need to use to boost my traffic. The competitor tools are great too!
Tasha Reynolds
Social Media Coordinator at Happily Hooked Magazine
The platform is really easy to use and gives me so many different tools for managing the performance of my site. I love how detailed the data is. The website audit feature is also excellent for spotting any potential issues.
Innes Vautier
Website audit is useful, can find some issues that could be overseen by other competitors.
Stevan Rakic
Online Marketing Specialist
We're big fans of the website audit tool - it's a great tool for the sales process and on-going maintenance. Additionally, the keyword research tool is becoming something we're using more to scope out advertising campaign spend.
Jacob Hartmann
The most useful feature may be the Website audit, I know there are enough sites that provide you with data which shows you errors, missing anchors, empty H1 and H2 tags etc. etc., but SERanking has it all in one checklist. So now you can 'clean up' your website on every little inch. Even the most deeply covered problems are unveild. When completing the full checklist, you will have a good amount of knowledge of common errors on websites and you have a great foundation on your website to build your SEO on.
Bart Ziemerink
Well the website audit and rankings are used most often on our end. It gives us a complete view on the SEO performance of our website. One thing which we a going to focus on is link building as well, a feature which also give us insights in that data. Great tool! And once you have an issue, the support chat is very quick and accurate in their response! We would definitely recommend SE Ranking!
Remco Dresen
The main feature I use is the website audit, over time we have increased our audit score. It is really useful when creating new pages as it picks up on features we missed. I also use the on page SEO checker quite often, this helps me check the page against certain keywords we want to be ranking for. The rank tracking for keywords is also useful, this gets automatically ran for me every week, this helps me identify pages that might need some slight tweaking especially for those that drop positions.
Adam Middleton
Marketing Executive

Unternehmen weltweit vertrauen uns – darauf sind wir stolz

registrierte Experten
Nutzerbewertung der Plattform
4.8 / 5

Erhalte detaillierte Daten über die Suchaktivitäten der Mitbewerber

The dashboard is really clean and the software is really fast. It's quite easy to do some keyword research or for instance search for backlinks by looking up your competitors.
Jordy Boutier
WordPress-websites developer
The interface of SE Ranking is very easy to use and intuitive. It has a powerful keyword research tool with an interesting keyword suggestions area. The SEO Audit tool is very complete and easy to understand. And the price compared to other tools is extremely competitive. I think it is the perfect tool for small and medium companies.
Daniel Marina Alcántara
Founder promeSeo
I love that I can use several tools that SE Ranking offers to help me streamline my SEO business. I use this tool multiple times per day. I can completely monitor each of my clients ranking progress, send client audits and auto send customized weekly reports to my clients. I also like the competitor research and keyword research features.
Lark Miller Begin
Social Media & SEO Strategist (ProfitParrot)
Great product to make a SEO friendly website. I use the keyword search function and the competitor search the most.
Daan Driessen
Owner of Computer service Driessen
SEranking allows me to track a large number of keywords for different search engines which few expensive SEO softwares do not provide. I use SEranking on a daily basis for keyword research and competitor analysis.
Karthika Nair
Certified Digital Marketing Specialist
When it comes to SEO, specifically competitor analysis and keyword research, SE Ranking is the goto tool for all your queries. The brand new updated dashboard (July 2020 release) provides incredible data and insights that is a beauty to look it with its new redesign. Not to forget about the backlink analysis which also had been updated and deep backlink data for your site and your competitors. The team regularly updates with new features and enhancements.
Neil Gautam
Digital Marketer
SERanking is a great overall business tool, that far exceeds the areas of SEO and SEM, providing you valuable insight for business planning from competitor analysis to market research, and everything in-between. The Keyword Research tool's Paid Results sub-feature is so powerful, that it'd even justify SERanking's existence on its own.
Márton Lente
Designer, developer
As a non-technical content writer, I like the simple interface and well-organised way that SERanking presents information. I can run multiple projects on an affordable pricing tier which is very competitive compared to SEMRush and Ahrefs, both of which I find more difficult to use. Keyword research is simple, reporting is great and there are all the necessary features included in the basic tier.
Leonie Waldron
Content writer

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We mainly use SE Ranking to track down technical issues, plan content campaigns, track competitors and generate reports for our customers. We found that their systems are also much better when dealing with clients as SE Ranking is more modern in terms of its design and our customers find it easier to follow and understand the data compared to other tools.
Septimiu B.
Managing Director
I love the site audits I can pull for my clients as well as the monthly reports I get from SE Ranking. The reports are thorough and easily explained to clients. I love the new updates they have rolled out too. I love their customer support.
Carol Dippenaar
Creative Director
The interface is intuitive and works very fine. The ranking module is reliable and shows rankings on a daily or weekly basis. Build excellent email reports or reports with Google data studio. The competition reports based on URL or keyword are prebuilt and quick. This competition reports you usually only find in costly SEO tools.
Keesjan Deelstra
Founder at InternetEffect
The ease of use and the level of reporting you can get from the system. You can handle multiple project and get some really useful and indepth analysis while using the reports. The auditing is good. I have used many other SEO tools in the past and this one has better support and seems to be more accurate. Other tools on the market are over complicated and have all kinds of limitations. Value for many is excellent
James Blackman
Managing Partner at Cocoonfxmedia
Love the client portal access with white label. Professional looking reports immediately. I'm still learning it, as we switched from SEMRush. I like the multiple users ability, white label ability, and being able to provide clients with their own portal to view their reports. I suspect that I will like it even more once I become more confident with it. I think that if reporting was available on demand from the project itself would be very nice.
James R. Ward
Expert Relationship Builder
Overall Seranking has awesome features and tools but I like the most ranking presentation charts, Customized Report Template, and on-page SEO tool, page changes monitor. Using the customizable reports template you can present them as your own and on-page tool you a beginner can run the search query to analyze the on-page element
Noman Bh

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