Still overpaying for the brand MOZ? Let SE Ranking be your discovery of the day!

Optimum $54500Keywords
SE Ranking
Standart $99300Keywords
Plus $891,000Keywords
SE Ranking
Medium $179900Keywords
Enterprise $1892,500Keywords
SE Ranking
Large $2491,900Keywords
Enterprise $89920,000Keywords
SE Ranking
Premium $5994,500Keywords

What you are getting for your money

Optimum vs StandartPlus vs MediumEnterprise vs LargeEnterprise vs Premium
Optimum $54500Keywords
Standart $99300Keywords
Plus $891,000Keywords
Medium $179900Keywords
Enterprise $1892,500Keywords
Large $2491,900Keywords
Enterprise $89920,000Keywords
Premium $5994,500Keywords
SE RankingSE RankingMOZMOZ
Goof for
In annual savings
Small & medium business
SEO Freelancers
Number of projects105
Tools for website
In annual savings
Keyword rank tracking*500300
Search engines74
Search range20050
Ranking check frequencydailyweekly only
Keyword research tool
Keyword grouping
Website auditAnytime crawl
(or 7k/Campaign) per month
Once a week
100,000 pages
(20k/Campaign) per week
On-page checkerAny page analysisAnalysis of the page that is on the same domain as the tracked campaign only
Competitor research
In annual savings
Competitors per project53
Competitor SEO/PPC researchTotal 3M
3,000 queries/month
1,000 rows/query
Total 1.5M
150 queries/month
10,000 rows/query
B2B features
In annual savings
White label
Branded report
Automatically scheduled reportsDaily, weekly or monthlyWeekly or monthly
Lead generation tool
Page changes monitoring
Additional accountsUnlimited2
Backlink tools
In annual savings
Backlink queries/month5, each next query is $1/list5000
Rows per backlink query5000010000
Backlink monitoring10000100
In annual savings
Marketing plan
SMM: Analytics and posting
In annual savings
Google Analytics
Search Console
Goof for
In annual savings
Small & medium business
SEO Freelancers
Number of projectsUnlimited10
Tools for website
In annual savings
Keyword rank tracking*1000900
Search engines74
Search range20050
Ranking check frequencydailyweekly
Keyword research tool
Keyword grouping
Website auditAnytime crawl
150,000 pages
(or 15k/website) per month
Once a week
500,000 pages
(50k/Campaign) per week
On-page checkerAny page analysisAnalysis of the page is on the same domain as the tracked campaign only
Competitor research
In annual savings
Competitors per project53
Competitor SEO/PPC researchTotal 7,5B
150,000 queries/month
50,000 rows/query
Total 150M
5000 queries/month
30,000 rows/query
B2B features
In annual savings
White label
Branded report
Automatically scheduled reportsDaily, weekly or monthlyWeekly or monthly
Lead generation tool
Page changes monitoring
Additional accountsUnlimited10
Backlink tools
In annual savings
Backlink queries/month20 each next query is $1/list20000
Rows per backlink query5000040000
Backlink monitoring2500015000
More features
In annual savings
Marketing plan
SMM: Analytics and posting
In annual savings
Google Analytics
Search Console
Goof for
In annual savings
Small & medium business
SEO Freelancers
Number of projectsUnlimited25
Tools for website
In annual savings
Keyword rank tracking*25001900
Search engines74
Search range20050
Ranking check frequencydailyweekly
Keyword research tool
Keyword grouping
Website auditAnytime crawl
250,000 pages
(or 25k/website) per month
Once a week
1,250,000 pages
(100k/Campaign) per week
On-page checkerAny page analysisAnalysis of the page is on the same domain as the tracked campaign only
Competitor research
In annual savings
Competitors per project53
Competitor SEO/PPC researchTotal 30B
300,000 queries/month
100,000 rows/query
Total 750M
15,000 queries/month
50,000 rows/query
B2B features
In annual savings
White label
Branded report
Automatically scheduled reportsDaily, weekly or monthlyWeekly or monthly
Lead generation tool
Page changes monitoring
Additional accountsUnlimited25
Backlink tools
In annual savings
Backlink queries/month50 each next query is $1/list70000
Rows per backlink query5000050000
Backlink monitoring7500045000
In annual savings
Marketing plan
SMM: Analytics and posting
In annual savings
Google Analytics
Search Console
Goof for
Small & medium business
SEO Freelancers
Number of projectsUnlimited50
Tools for website
Keyword rank tracking*200004500
Search engines74
Search range20050
Ranking check frequencydailyweekly
Keyword research tool
Keyword grouping
Website auditAnytime crawl
700,000 pages
(or 50k/website) per month
Once a week
2,000,000 pages
(200k/Campaign) per week
On-page checkerAny page analysisAnalysis of the page is on the same domain as the tracked campaign only
Competitor research
Competitors per project53
Competitor SEO/PPC researchTotal 30B
300,000 queries/month
100,000 rows/query
Total 3B
30,000 queries/month
100,000 rows/query
B2B features
White label
Branded report
Automatically scheduled reportsDaily, weekly or monthlyWeekly or monthly
Lead generation tool
Page changes monitoring
Additional accountsUnlimited40
Backlink tools
Backlink queries/month50 each next query is $1/list100000
Rows per backlink query5000075000
Backlink monitoring700000100000
Marketing plan
SMM: Analytics and posting
Google Analytics
Search Console

*Weekly check frequency. At SE Ranking you are able to set Daily/3day/weekly ranking check frequency

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