Competitor Research Tool

Analyze your and your clients' rival websites to gain valuable business insights

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Break down any website to specific details
Enter any domain name or URL and get a 360-degree view of your competitors’
organic and paid promotion strategies
Historical Data

Get an overview of competitors website visits in one click

Analyze competitors' paid and organic campaigns and see the dynamics
Estimated clicks per month
Competitors' traffic cost
Top performing competitor keywords
Analyze the impact of algorithm updates on site's online presence
Get comprehensive data on your competitors’ keywords
Our competitor keyword checker module allows you to find competitors' keywords, analyze their SEO metrics, and compare them to yours.
Keyword rankings, new and lost keyword statistics
Search volume and keyword difficulty
CPC and number of advertisers
Estimated cost per target keyword
Search results overview by country
Learn more

What is competitor website analysis?

What is competitor website analysis?
What is competitor website analysis?SEO fundamentals
Competitor website analysis is a process in which you examine your website competitors to understand their online strategies, strengths, and weaknesses. To proceed to this step, you first need to find competitors that go against you in search. Then, you should review two main traffic sources–their organic and paid traffic, keywords they target in SEO and PPC campaigns, backlinks as well as ads. You can find all this PPC and SEO competition data and much more in our tool in a convenient format.
Understand your competition
Perform competitor research, find newcomers, check their domain authority, and compare your target keyword to your rivals’ with our SEO competitor checker tool.
Find competitors in PPC and SEO
Review competitor distribution in organic and paid search
Analyze keyword overlaps between your website and search competitors
Run competitor keyword analysis and compare results with your domain

Expand your keyword list within one ecosystem

Find plenty of potential keyword opportunities using SEO Competitor Research and Keyword Research tools
Filter and group non-targeted keywords together based on their real-time metrics using Keyword Manager
Export and add new keywords to your content plus monitor their rankings with our Keyword Rank Tracker
Discover your competitor’s most profitable ads
Conduct PPC competitor research to see what keywords your competition targeted in their campaigns. You’ll be able to discover what ads work best for them and build better ones for your own campaign
Google Ads marketing campaigns
Competitive keyword ads
Monthly ad history

Get The Bigger Picture With Historical Data

Analyze any metrics in dynamics with our powerful competitor checker
Get a 360-degree view of the market
See how the niche landscape has evolved over time—which players joined the race and who couldn’t stand the competition.
Repeat your rivals’ success stories
Trace your competitors’ steps all the way to the top and use their tactics to enhance your own promotion strategy.
Discover the reasons behind traffic drops
Identify when website visits dropped and find correlations with changes made to the site or Google algorithms updates.
Spy on your competitors’ ads
Conduct a PPC competitive research to see what keywords your rivals have been targeting in their campaigns and which ads worked best for them.

The biggest Data Base in US

United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Backlinks Indexed
Domains indexed
Pages Crawled Daily


How to do SEO competitor analysis?
To analyze your SEO competitors, begin by identifying who they are and which search engine optimization techniques they’re using. Inspect their most popular content, target keywords, on-page optimization methods, backlink profile, etc. Compare this data with your SEO practices to define the gap you must fill to outperform your competitors.
How do I find my SEO competitors?
You can find your organic rivals by analyzing SERPs for your main keywords. Streamline your search by checking the Organic Traffic Research section found in SE Ranking’s Competitive Research tool. This competitor finder reveals websites that rank for the same keywords as you.
What is competitor keyword research?
Researching competitor keywords means investigating the key terms and phrases your competitors are ranking for in the SERP. You can figure out through it which search queries drive traffic to your rivals and identify promising keyword opportunities for your website or PPC campaigns. You can adopt your competitors’ best practices and improve upon them.
How do I find my competitors’ keywords?
You can find your competitors’ keywords using various tools, including Competitor Research by SE Ranking. Finding them, however, is only half the battle. You also need to analyze how promising and competitive these keywords are. Use tools like Competitor Research to compare search terms and analyze their SEO metrics such as difficulty, search volume, position, etc.
What is the first step in a competitor analysis?
Your first step in SEO competitor research is to figure out who the key players in your market are. Before analyzing competitor website performance, learn more about your direct rivals (who offer the same service or product as you) and indirect rivals (who offer similar services or products but target a different consumer sector or vice versa).
Which tool is used for competitor analysis?
There are many of these tools, but some are better than others. When choosing the right tool for you, make sure it provides 100% accurate data. A good competitor analysis tool provides information on traffic, rankings, keywords, backlinks, and PPC ads. It also lets you analyze all of the metrics through historical data.
What is the best SEO tool for competitor site analysis?
We don’t like to brag, but… SE Ranking’s Competitor Research goes above and beyond that of any other tool of its kind. This competitor website analysis tool provides a comprehensive view of how any domain or its subdomains are performing in search. It supports 190 countries, collects data from any domain’s keywords, makes semantic comparisons, and so much more.
Why do competitor analysis?
Competitor analysis helps build a healthy marketing strategy. It’s the number one way to identify your rivals, see their strengths and weaknesses, and compare them to yours. You’ll discover the marketing channels your competitors are using and which ones work best for them. With these insights, you can boost your SEO, increase your rankings, and build a strong PPC campaign.

Flexible Competitor Research Tool pricing in your SE Ranking toolbox

Choose your ideal pricing plan, request a custom quote, or test this tool out with a free trial.



50 Domain/URL checks per day

Up to 10 projects

  • 750 keywords for Rank Tracker
  • 100,000 pages for Website Audit
  • Backlink Gap Analyzer
See pricing plans



100 Domain/URL checks per day

All Essential features with extended limits

  • from 2000 keywords for Rank Tracker
  • from 250,000 pages for Website Audit
  • User seats
See pricing plans



300 Domain/URL checks per day

All Pro features with extended limits

  • from 5000 keywords for Rank Tracker
  • from 700,000 pages for Website Audit
  • API access
See pricing plans
See all pricing plans
4.5 rating


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5.0 rating


Why businesses from 150+ countries choose us? Read testimonials
Nilpawan G.
Ideal SEO and PPC Tool for Professionals

When it comes to SEO, specifically competitor analysis and keyword research, SE Ranking is the go to tool for all your queries. The brand new updated dashboard (July 2020 release) provides incredible data and insights that is a beauty to look at with its new redesign. Not to forget about the backlink analysis which also had been updated and deep backlink data for your site and your competitors. The team regularly updates with new features and enhancements.

Eugene S.
Outstanding tool with amazing functionality

SE Ranking lets me solve all the SEO tasks in one place. I love their marketing plan that enables us to add our own tasks to be tracked as well as gives valuable tips on SEO. Also, I really enjoy their competitor research tool that shows both organic and paid traffic for any website I need. It’s priceless when you have to keep an eye on your competitors.

Austin F. C.
Our Agency’s daily SEO tool

I like the Competition and Keyword Research tool very much. We can get a full rundown of everything a competitor is doing from organic to paid traffic, their keywords and we are able to compare them against our client’s websites.
They also provide a handy action plan for each client from keyword research and on-page SEO changes to backlink building, making it quick and easy to make sure all the bases are covered.

Ruud H.
SE Ranking is really the most bang for the buck!

They offer several analysis tools and what I find very useful is that they offer a checklist for all things you need to do to upgrade your site.
Most important features are the competitor and keyword research. These tools are very extensively and thorough so you would really want to use these.
Overall, it’s just the software to use when you are a small enterprise like ourselves. 🙂

Felipe Bazon
Without a doubt an essential tool for our day to day work

As an International SEO Agency servicing clients in different countries and of course, different languages, SE Ranking is helping us with our clients International SEO strategies like keyword research, rank tracking and monitoring competitors across different countries.

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